This is my life: Our Attempt
As many who know me well, know I'm quite in love (cough:obsessed) with the show Friends. I can remember watching it every week when it was on the air. When Anthony and I were engaged, for our first Christmas, he bought me the Anniversary edition of the 10 seasons. He knew the way to my heart ;) I've watched them so many times, and continue to just go through all the seasons. It's actually on in the background right now! And after as many times as I've seen every episode, I still laugh!
But, it's gotten to the point where I can pick up on places where the writers made a mistake. For example : (lol I could list a ton but I'll just list one that comes to mind) If you can remember the episode where Phoebe walks into Monica's apartment and starts complaining about how she hasn't had many massages and the massages she had given were bad tippers (as Ross and Monica are sitting at the table), they then said it was them she gave the massages too. Now, flash forward to after Chandler and Monica get married, and she has the private masseuse come to their apartment and Phoebe freaks out saying she should let her massage Monica. Flash back again, she's already given Monica a massage before. LOL. See, it's stuff like this!
So, move past my insanity, haha, for their 20th anniversary, a replica Central Perk was set up in NYC and opened this past week. It's only open for a month. They are giving out a free cup of coffee, have a bunch of memorabilia and the orange couch. The whole ride there, I was picturing having a cute picture of my family and I sitting on the orange couch. Was so excited!!!
Now my boys even love Friends, can name the characters, it's so cute. They were also excited to see this place. Anthony also loves Friends, he's a great competition when we play Friends Scene it. :)
We left Saturday after Connor's soccer game, we figured we drive through naps, so we'd get there good and rested. Well Jamison is hit or miss now with naps, mostly miss, so Nathan was the only one who fell asleep. We stopped at Market Basket somewhere and got some lunch and snacks for the ride. The drive in NYC was great. No traffic, and even once we got to the outside of Manhattan, it was great. Well we set our GPS to put us right at Central Perk. HUGE mistake!
We have been to NYC about a few times now. We took the boys when they were 3 and 1, went away for a weekend just Anthony and I one year around Christmas...we are pretty comfortable driving into the city. But, this time, we went too far in and did not know there was also a food festival going on just a block over from the Central Perk. We drove by Central Perk, I got all excited, we head to park, que traffic. We sat in standstill traffic for 2 hours, no joke. It was bad. The poor boys had to go to the bathroom so bad, and let me just tell you, I'm so grateful I have boys and had an empty Snapple bottle ;) The boys were so good. So good. I was also thinking that the whole ride how awesome our boys are in the car and on long distances. Blessed!
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The boys in Time Square in 2011. |
But, it was another memory in the book and honestly, my favorite memory from the trip, I was telling Anthony this morning..When the boys hear Oceans come on the radio by Hillsong, they say "Mama your song is on", and I hear this song all the time, but sometimes, it hits me just right and can bring tears, this time it was tears of laughter. Anthony says while I'm singing "Do you think if I pray" and I stopped him because I knew exactly what he was going to say and we start laughing. He was going to pray for my pitch, bahahaha. So, then my singing became hilarious and everyone is laughing, even Nathan although I'm not sure he even knew what he was laughing at. It was just a wonderful time for our family and I loved that moment.
Anthony also stated we will never be going to NYC again! lol. and sadly I still do want to attempt to see this. ;)