This is My Life: Our First and Final Reveal
Welcome Baby Girl Richard
This Gender reveal is probably some of the most emotional stress I've been under in awhile. As most know, Connor (and over the past couple weeks, Jamison too) wanted a baby sister soooo bad. Even that is an under statement. Connor even had his Sunday school class pray for his baby sister before we even knew the gender. Talk about pressure.
It is the hardest feeling when your children want something so bad and you have no control over it. It's obviously not a material item I can run to the store and buy. This is actually something their little hearts desired so very much and my heart was breaking at the thought of seeing their disappointed faces. I mean let's face it, my odds weren't looking good lol! Yes, we would get over it and be overjoyed at having another little brother to the Richard brotherhood ;) But, to have little boys, desiring to love a little sister so much. ehhh. All I could do is pray, pray, pray, (pretty much begging) the Lord to bless us with a baby girl. They also did the same during our bedtime prayers and were so confident it was a girl. Anthony on the other hand was praying hard for another boy ;)
Side Note: I will show them this blog post when she is driving them crazy in the years to come. haha
This little muffin will be the one to complete our Richard Family. So, we decided and by "we" I mean "I", decided I wanted to do all the fun stuff that comes with babies and that included a fun reveal with our families which we've never done before. Let's go out with a bang! So, we planned a fun reveal. Some family said we wouldn't have planned an elaborate party if it was a boy, but lucky for them, we didn't know the gender until that morning and the party was already planned. ;)
First, on our ride home from our appointment I started calling out of town bakeries for our family and friends that live out of town, to order a reveal cupcake for them to have fun and share in our excitement and be part of our fun day! :)
Here are some cute videos and pics from the family and friends that sent us their cute feedback.
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Cousin Emily in Florida |
Marissa in North Carolina |
Jess in Rhode Island
Now to our Family Reveal!!
Our table with a cute display of Baby Richard #4. She has so many of the same features as Jamison. Just absolutely gorgeous.
Fun drinks!
This is probably one of my favorites that we did because I can frame it and keep it forever. I found a silhouette of a baby online and drew the lines with a sharpie. We bought ink pads and each family member put their finger print as to what their guess was :)
I forgot to snap a picture of our jar of candy, but this is similar. We filled a jar with blue and pink candy, more of the color that the baby is :) The family put down their guesses of how much they thought there were of each color in the jar. The one who guessed the closest also won a candle. My sister won this game!
Our third little fun game was for family to put in the jar some name suggestions they'd like for the baby. We pulled the cards, even not gender matching and did first and middle name matches. We got some like "Julia Tyson", "Noah Julia". It was a fun silly game. Cute suggestions.
Now to the big reveal:
We had our families scratch these scratch tickets to find out the gender :) It was cute and we wanted them to hold in their excitement a little so they didn't give it away to the boys who we had a different idea in mind since two of them can't read.
Now for the fun Big Brother Reveal <3 They were overjoyed!!
During our ultrasound it was surreal. For all that know our experience with Connor you can believe we asked for her to view multiple times and confirm there was no wee wee hanging in the winds. There wasn't. It was and still is surreal for us.
Our daughter will be so loved and protected beyond belief with her Dad and three brothers that love her dearly. Perfect completion to our family. I'm soaking up every joyous part of this pregnancy as it's my last. Not taking for granted the amazing feeling of having God's gift growing inside of me and feeling her move since it's a sensation I won't feel again (and it's one of my favs). We love her so much already and Anthony and I were talking about it last night after everyone left and the boys were in bed. We are going to have a daughter. It's a different feeling for us, a different emotion we are feeling and we are very much looking forward to raising a confident beautiful daughter who will move mountains for sure.
Hope you enjoyed our reveal :)