This is my Life: Sleeping!!!!
I'm certain, the end of pregnancy was to train us for the sleepless nights ahead. The sleep deprivation starts even before our bundle of joy arrives.
The first night we brought Connor home, both Anthony and I were crying. He.. would ..not... sleep. We tried swaddling which would work for awhile, the shhhing in the ear (Anthony's specialty) . At this point, when you are soooo tired, you do the big no no. Nurse baby and let him sleep on you. You don't care if it's wrong, you just need a couple hours. (pillows propped all around you to ensure baby is safe). There is nothing wrong with this. For awhile anyway! Babies always seem to have their nights and days reverse, lovely isn't it? They are seeking security :)
There is a light, I assure you. We started sleep "training" our boys when they were in their own crib. So, roughly 7-8 months old. I'm a true believer that we are better parents with adequate sleep. It all comes down to routine and I will say as every mom can probably agree, hearing your first child cry is by far the hardest thing to endure (it gets easier to tolerate the more you have). You want nothing more than to hold your baby in your arms, BUT sleep is incredibly important for a healthy baby. Sleep is also important for a healthy parent. Like adults, babies need their rest to rejuvenate and especially grow.
So....the big question, how do you get your baby to SLEEP!?!?!? These are my suggestions and what have worked for us.
1. Get on a nightly routine. As I said in a previous blog, routine=security.
I'm going to use our bedtime routine with Nathan because it's fresh in my mind :) We did bascially the same routine with Connor and Jamison as babies, but Nathan is by far our best sleeper.
Our showers/baths are the sign of winding down. There's not tickling, wrestling, etc after baths. That gets children all roweled up and hyper. I couldn't fall asleep after that either, but I could fall asleep after a soothing massage :)
Our bedtime routine looks like this:
After dinner, we head into the bath (even the shampoo, soaping is routine)
Out of bath, brush his teeth (this is new for us this weekend with Nathan)
Head upstairs with dim lighting
I lay him on the floor and give him a little baby massage with baby lavender gel (smells relaxing!)
PJ's on
Turn on night light and heater
walk over to turn off light and turn on fan
Give him his Paci, with a kiss and lay him in his bed.
I then grab his humidifier to go fill and bring it back up.
Now he knows his routine as well. He knows I come back up to bring the humidifier and I then give him another kiss and head downstairs. It's a calm routine, no horseplay. He now lays down and either talks to himself for a few minutes or goes right to sleep.
Connor and Jamison's routine is very similar. After showers, they usually read a book or watch a movie for a little bit, get their waters and soothie sacks, say our prayers and kisses goodnight. Off to sleep they go between 7:30-8 :)
2.The first nights we had to let them cry. Nathan actually did much better than Connor. But not all children would be the same. Different children, different personalities.
--Let baby cry for 10 minutes, either sit in the room or go back in, comfort and then head back out. Note: do not pick baby up. Just rub his or her back and give paci again if they use one and go back out. Continue to do the same thing. The first night will seem like forever, as will the second night, but your baby will LEARN how to soothe themselves as the nights go on and what you felt like would be a never ending battle, will be RESTFUL NIGHTS for you!!!
If you really want to sleep train your baby, here are some other recommendations.
1. Find a solid week on your calendar where you will be home every night and can stick to the same routine.
2. Do not nurse baby to sleep. Nurse baby before bed, but not to sleep. A large part of sleep "training" is allowing baby to fall asleep on their own. If they fall asleep while nursing, they will want to nurse when they wake up in the middle of the night and you don't want to be a living paci :)
3. Noise maker or fan! Huge Huge advocate for these. We all use a fan (whether the hubs likes it or not). With a family of five, it drowns out any additional noises that could disrupt the slumber!
4. The most important is, BE STRONG. It will be soooooo hard, sooo hard! But, it will be the best for you and for baby.
A mama doesn't have to get through everyday strung out on coffee! haha.
Always remember, you know your babies best!!!! I encourage you to start training your baby to sleep for ALL members of your family :)