Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mama Must Haves

This is my Life: Top 10 Mama Must Haves

When you are registering as a new Mom, the stores can be so overwhelming!!! Everyone tells you what you need, but never naming brands or anything.  I'm a practical Mom.  I don't over spend an unnecessary items, so here's a list of things I couldn't live without!  Also, I'm not going to list travel systems, high chairs, or pack n plays because I think those are a given :)

1. My Monitor. 
I think you could call me a little obsessed.  I have this constant need to hear my children.  I had the monitor STILL in Connor and Jamison's room, (which is right across the hall) until Nathan was born.  They were 5 and 3.  I know, sad.  But, I could not live without this.  It has lasted almost six years, water proof, just an excellent comfort.  

2. My Wagon.
Seems Silly, but I don't think I could function, especially during summer,  without our wagon.  This was our present to Connor for his first birthday (which we stopped buying gifts for them so young because they don't know, haha).  The seats fold down to make a flat surface.  I use our wagon all the times for walks and just as a side note, it holds an infant seat safely, which you wouldn't think!  Also, for the beach.  Couldn't go to the beach without the wagon!

3.  My Carrier
Hands down, spend the money on an ergo.  I did not invent in a good carrier until Nathan.  I used the moby wrap for both Connor and Jamison, but rarely used it.  Once Nathan came along, you are outnumbered and the carrier is fantastic.  I do wish I had it for both Connor and Jamison.  So, I borrowed my friends ergo for a trip we were taking to Boston for Connor and I didn't want to have a stroller with the train, etc.  WAS AMAZING!!! So I returned her carrier and STILL went and bought a cheaper one at target to just have and tried it on a walk.  My back and shoulders were killing me!!! Needless to say, I bought the ergo and it is money well spent.  Get an ergo CARRIER! :)

4. My Bag
 I like stylish bags.  I'm not a "diaper bagger."
With your first, which I remember, I felt I had to leave the house with 15 diapers, wipes, nose plunger (because I would do this in public), nail clippers(could be a hazard all of a sudden??), butt cream, tylenol (a fever could come on at any moment), change of clothes, shoes, blankets, lol.  Anyways, you get it , everything!  Those commercials with the first time Mom, then the Mom of more than one child crack me up because they are spot on.  I was lugging two bags around, my purse and a diaper bag.  This is not necessary.  The odds of you being out with your child more than three hours isn't likely.  Obviously traveling a different story, but to go to the mall, grocery store, etc.  Just throwing some diapers, wipes and a spit up cloth in the bag are my essentials and I just carry a larger purse.  :)

4. My Cover 
This is actually my cover :)  If you want to be or are a nursing Mom, you know how essential a nursing cover is.  There will be many times you need to nurse your baby.  I'm still not comfortable using my cover sitting in the middle of the mall, only because you never know if your little muffin will want to hop on out, so I go in a dressing room. At a gathering or church, these are perfect.  I showed my Mom and she thought it was a pretty apron :) 

5. Receiving blankets
Good receiving blankets are great to have!  These, by aden and anais are large and perfect.  The ones they sell at your normal store are not large enough to swaddle your baby or even to really cover yourself quickly when nursing your baby.  These are light and breathable too! 

6. Boppy
These are needed for a number of reasons.  They are a great support for Mom when she is nursing.  Moms tend to hunch over when they nurse and it hurts their backs.  These provide needed support for comfort for both Mom and baby.  It's also a great pillow for baby to just relax in.  To keep baby safe from rolling off anywhere when they are infants, this safely protects and them is a nice napping pillow for baby! 

7. Swing
This was actually our exact swing.  I could not live without a swing.  It's a safe relaxing place for baby to rest.  Allows for Mom to do some stuff around the house that she needs to do.  It's also a great thing to have when baby has a cold because it has and adjusting chair so it can be more erect to allow for easier breathing :)  I will now probably invest in a rock n play, which has the same idea.  But, definitely something you can sit baby, a swing, bouncer, rock n play.  

8.  Breast Pump


Whether you will be a stay at home Mom or a working Mom, an electric breast pump is good to have.  There will be moments when you may be full and need some sweet release, or preparation for a date night, starting to save for when you return to work and pumping when you are at work.  Even for clogged ducts, excellent to have around!  This also entails a good nursing bra (highly recommend a padded one to help hide leaking) nursing pads and boob cream of course!

9.  Mylicon
I'm not sure I could write about how amazing Mylicon is.  It's just pure sweetness for your fussy muffin.  Babies can't talk, which we all know is the hardest thing.  For most babies, their fussiness is simply, gas or just something small.  This is amazing!!!!!!! All Mom's should have a bottle.  It's so gentle that you can give it to them at every feeding! 

10. Thermometer 
Need a good one of these.  I love the ear ones.  I got this at my shower with Connor and it's still great!  When Connor was having all his episodes this summer, it's just great having a reliable painless way to check your child's temperature.  Under the arm pit, or bum, are just not always accurate.  The forehead ones are great too! 

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