Sunday, March 9, 2014

Intimacy in Marriage: Part I

This is my Life: Intimacy

"A Happy Marriage makes for a Happy Home"  1 Peter 4:8

So, I feel like I haven't written in a while and I've been eager to write about intimacy, it's just soooo important that it's difficult to write about.  Instead of tackling it as a whole, I'm going to hit on points that have changed my life for the best :)   

I've been married for close to seven years now.  A short time as a whole, but a long time to learn how important being intimate with your spouse effects your marriage.  We know it's important right? Of course!  But, there are many layers to this statement.  Today I'm going to hit on the spiritual aspect of it.  The communicating with each other and praying.  

Anthony and I were married in a small chapel (beautiful by the way) by a family friend who was a justice of the peace.  Shortly after we were married, we were blessed with our first son.  We did attend church while dating and during our start marriage, but after Connor was born,  we felt the longing for our family to be with a church family.  We started attending our current church, Shiloh.  Our lives together were forever changed. 

We renewed our vows for our two year anniversary.  We were renewed in our church by our Pastor that we adore.  Our church family has become so much more than we could have ever dreamed of and our marriage is on a rock that does not move.  

Intimacy with your husband is not only about the physical (YES! very important and we will get to that) but also about having a real solid connection with your spouse emotionally and spiritually.  We love Jesus first. We realize that without Him, we can not be the best version of us, together.  Hope that makes sense. We are better for each other, better parents for our sons.

Communicate.  Communicate everything.  Be open with your spouse.  Give him all of you.  He should know you better than anyone.  Your best friend.  You can't effectively run a home, raise children,  unless you understand each other and are attached to one another. Be open with each other, I mean really open. Hold nothing back.  What you like, what you don't like, fears, struggles. You are spending the rest of your lives together :)  Pray for one another. 

 That he lives in accordance with God’s plan for his life {Ephesians 4:1-2}

 That he would continue to lead and that God would be glorified in our marriage {Ephesians 5:25-29}

 That he would trust in God’s plan, not his own { Jeremiah 29:11}

I pray for every aspect for my husband.  I pray for his health, commute, his job, to protect against temptations, his heart, for me to be the wife he needs.  everything! We need to pray for our husbands.  Seeking God first to hold our marriage, creates for a better physical part to our marriage too!
I love this picture.  This is one of my stops I love to make on the way to visit my family in NY.  It is now one of our stops as a family, that we've taken on together now.  :)

Emotionally connecting with your husband leads to better physical intimacy....<3 stay tuned!

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