Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Not Your Normal "Week Before Baby" Story

This is my Life: The Humor in Exhaustion
Not your Normal "week before baby arrival" story

So, yes, I am going to have to change the name of my blog as of tomorrow!!! Finally.  I will be honest, I truly did not think I'd ever go the full 40 weeks with my fourth baby.  Especially when my last two were both almost two weeks early and I've been more active this pregnancy than ever in my life.  I liked the punctuality of my muffins.  But, we are told to trust God's timing.  Through pregnancy, I think that is one of the h.a.r.d.e.s.t things ever because the last few weeks, you just want to be done. But, this story will be a beautiful display of why!
The end: Your feet are sore, your back is sore, you are tired, your patience is becoming non existent. You clean WAY too much.  Well at least I have.  I'm pretty sure I've cleaned so much that my house has become "sterile" and that's why it has led to the humor in my exhaustion.
It's not funny when you're in it.  Last night I came close to bawling because I'm just like "ahhh are you kidding".  But, here's the time line of the past week of what has occurred. It's seriously going to seem unbelievable.  It could also make you chuckle or make you cry at the same time.  It has done both to me but looking at it, I'm so grateful I was not in the hospital and I was home to care for my boys.

The end of pregnancy, you hear, you need to rest.  Even my OB told me this.Yes, sounds absolutely delightful.  Lord knows I wish I could rest.  So March 13 was my last day with the children that I watch.  In my mind, Violet (our baby to be coming tomorrow!!!) would probably come the following week, I had my heart set on March 18th.  I was wrong. 
This week, just being my three sons, would be a week of "rest" for me.  Just to focus on them, get them where they need to be, etc.  Wrong again.  Connor started to have a sore throat Saturday night.  Sunday he had a mild one, but we went to church and he seemed fine.  The day progressed, we lounged at home and he started to say his throat hurt more.  (Also, This Sunday I started to have a lot of contractions, about 20 minutes apart and they last about 5-6 hours, so tiring).  We did the salt water gargle, some warm honey water, throat spray, the whole remedies list.  He woke up crying Monday morning with his leg pain.  If anyone remembers our Fall of 2013, we were in Boston a lot for his leg pains.  He hasn't had a flare up since that Fall and hasn't gotten sick apparently either. So, I called the doctor as well as our Chiropractor to help him.  He tested negative for Strep and the doctor still thinks it's something auto immune, just not sure what.  Advil helps control his discomfort.  Once it kicks in, hes fine.  Anyhow, we continued our home remedies until this little virus went away.  I was also waking up with a sore throat, who wouldn't? Our weather was 50 one day, then snowing the next. 

Jamison and Nathan both started to show cold symptoms as well, probably around Wednesday.  We do our garlic ear drops every night as well as humidifiers, and probiotics everyday etc.  Friday, Jamison was congested in his nose, but if I asked him to blow, he wouldn't want to and well, you can't make a nearly five year old blow their nose.  Nathan mind you, also has a cold, but just trying to maintain.  I get a call from Jamison's school Friday morning around 1015 that he has a low grade fever, that he could stay at school, they just wanted to let me know.  Obviously, I'd never leave my child at school not feeling well.  So, Nathan and I hop in the van to go pick him up.  He gets in the van, I watch him.  He doesn't look good.  We run into Walgreens so I can get more Advil and some other cold supplies for the kiddies.  We pull in home, I'm unlocking the front door, Jamison walks in and says "I have to puke".  Those awful words that are dreaded by every parent.  He makes it to the corner of our bathroom, not the toilet.  I first thought, stomach bug, but it definitely was a post nasal drip because the rest of the day, we blew his nose like crazy and he got so much out.  He won't argue with me about blowing his nose again.   As I'm on my hands and knees cleaning the throw up (picture 40 weeks pregnant, large belly), Nathan is standing behind me crying because he also doesn't feel well.  I text my husband to please pick Connor up from school at 320 because I wouldn't be able to leave the house with both Jamison and Nathan so sick.  

Kids are all in bed around 7pm.  Jamison walks in our room crying around 1030, and I'm trying to get my oompa loompa self up because I knew he was probably going to get sick again because he was laying down. Sure enough, all over my arm in my bed.  At this point, I'm just praying the Lord keeps Violet in there because I have all these children to care for.  Anthony starts stripping our bed as Jamison now is chatting my ear off as he takes a shower.  We get a nice clean bed and Jamison sleeps with us for the night.  

Side note:  Since the previous Sunday, I have contractions what seem all through the night, but nothing consistent. Needless to say, I'm not sleeping. 

Saturday now.  Nathan still has a cold, Jamison still has a cold, and Connor is getting "scratchy" again.   My Mom brought us soup which was lovely not having to prepare a meal as well and soup heals :)  

Sunday morning, Nathan's cough got awful over night, so we went to after hours that morning.  He had an ear infection and they put him on Amoxicilin.  Anthony had them peek in Jamison's ears just to make sure everything was going ok for him and sure even, the garlic drops, probiotics and adjustments twice a week are working beautifully for him.  PHEW!   

Monday morning, Anthony wakes up with Pink Eye.  Yes!!! You can laugh at this point.  I laughed too when he said it because I'm just shocked at this point. Not only can I NOT rest, the one person in the house that can actually help me, is now going to be out of commission.  Mind you, I don't ask for much.  Not personally at least.  No foot rubs, back rubs, etc.  Just physical stuff now that I can no longer do.  Or discipline, that's hard for me now too.  But, Anthony went to the doctor, got his meds and it then turned into a cold.  Now I have FOUR sick people in my house.  It's Monday and I'm having a baby on Thursday. Everyone is home from work and school mending and I'm trying to just keep my head on straight taking care of everyone and somehow not turn into the hulk myself because I'm exhausted.  This would be a lot for a non pregnant Mom and Wife, let alone, full term pregnant, baby practically hanging out. 

When it comes to a man being sick, my patience and compassion fly out the window.  I know that's awful. But, when I have a cold, no one stays home so I can lay in bed and rest all day.  No, I have to pop whatever meds I can to just take some edge off , continue about the day and care for all the children.  My two years doing childcare, I have not taken one day off because I was sick.  Cold or Pregnancy wise.  I just didn't see a point when I have three of my own that would still be needing me so I have to get up and get going regardless of how awful I felt.  So, you can imagine, when I already have three sick little boys needing me, to now have a husband out of commission...the Hulk is slowly rising.  And honestly, I feel bad if I am sick.  I know that the boys can be overwhelming at times and bed time can be tough some days, so I still like to pitch in as much as I can because I know the toll it takes to keep up with everything alone.

Deep breathe. Pray. Deep Breathe. Pray.

Well, I hope that makes you laugh as it does me now.  If you say it fast, it does bring about a chuckle because it's just sooo much all in a little over a weeks time to be dealing with when you're trying to take care of yourself , prepare yourself for having a major surgery and welcoming a new baby who will also be needing all of me.  All I can say is, Thank you Jesus and Violet for staying in there and letting me care for all these men that will want to love on you so much and hopefully can start to do so now that they are mending. Prayers would be appreciated that all stay healthy now!! please!!! :)
We are ready now baby Violet <3

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