This is my Life: Welcoming Violet Bea
It's been along time since I've blogged...but I have a valid excuse right? And yes, I know I have to change the name of my blog now!We welcomed our fourth baby, Violet Bea. She completes our family more than my words could ever express. She's absolutely beautiful and I think the diapers are easier (I've heard lots think boys are no). This may get a little long so bare with me!
Violet was born March 25 and was 6lbs 13oz and 21"long. I was just as shocked as I'm sure most people were at just how tiny she was. Nathan was 8lbs 11oz and was almost two weeks early! Violet went the full 40 weeks (another shocker!). 1. She's a lady 2. Mama didn't sit at all this pregnancy! 3. Mama also didn't get to eat as many peanut M&M's as she did with brother Nathan either! haha.
The Delivery was emotional to say the least. First, I knew I was finally in active labor so I called asking what they'd like me to do as my schedule c-section was in 12 hours. My water did not break, but I had had contractions for roughly two weeks and they finally were stronger and less than five minutes apart. I called and my doctor, yes, that's right! My OB was actually ON CALL! He has not delivered any of my children and to say I adore this man may be an understatement. I call my mom to come on over (also her last time getting this call!) She arrives and Anthony makes himself a bagel as I'm standing at the door ready to go have a baby. Also remember, this was when my whole family was sick, so Anthony thinks he could have a fever and conjunctivitis lol. Great!
We arrived at the hospital after Anthony eats! and had to be buzzed into the hospital as it was after hours. We walked up and we talked about how this will be our last time walking in and taking the elevator, walking past the gift shop, up to the maternity floor, emotional right?
As we got welcomed by the nurses, my doctor is sitting there on the computer and he jokes "just watching a youtube video on how to deliver a baby by cesarean". He's seriously the best!! So, they check me, monitor my contractions and all agree I'm in active labor and all the prepping began. They put in my IV, which is such an awful experience for me. Once that was finally over, I walked into the OR and Anthony waited in the waiting room until they called him in. He doesn't get to come in until they are ready to actually begin the surgery. The spinal and prep I do alone. Sad I know! ehh.
So, after spinal and everything starts to numb up, my Dr. gets some Journey playing and it was just one of the best experiences I've ever had. My anesthesiologist was also amazing. So sweet talking to me about his son and just taking such great care of me and his genuine concern. Ashish (my Dr.) was doing great. I actually didn't have much shaking during this surgery. It wasn't until I was in my room that my shaking got really bad. So, that was nice. Lots of tugging and pulling and then up above the sheet so I could see was my beautiful daughter. I instantly saw Jamison. I couldn't believe this was the last time I was going to be doing this. Just seems normal at this point for Anthony and I to be doing this every two we won't be. I had my tubes removed (which I could smell this..very weird) so the surgery took a little longer and I guess my abs had separated so he repaired those as well. As I laid there looking at Violet across the room, I started to cry. Happy tears and some not so happy tears. I don't want to call them sad tears because I wasn't sad necessarily, was just an odd feeling knowing this part of my life was complete. This was it. After I was closed up, Ashish came and kissed me on the cheek and told me I did excellent. So special and I can't describe how wonderful it felt to finally share in this experience with him too. Anthony and I wanted to get him a little something as well being our last hoorah. He went to UNC for school, so we got him a UNC scrub cap and bow tie! :)
Once they sat me up to go to my room I started dry heaving and I couldn't remember the trip to our room. ..was a blur that I felt in and out of.
Nursing went great from the start. Lactation never came in to see me, cracks me up. Always a painful start with the soreness and the absolutely horrendous cramps!!! Because we haven't been through enough already? I don't take many pain meds, my pain didn't seem severe too me and I'd rather ride it out than keep taking medicine. I honestly only took a Tylenol to help the cramping from nursing! Sad that that overrides my abdominal surgery pain. The numbness takes a few hours to start wearing off. They put these massaging cuffs around your calves to prevent blood clots. Always painful to start getting up and moving which they had me doing the next evening but the quicker you start moving the better and quicker the recovery. Once I can get up easier, I get my catheter out and get to bathe! yay! It feels so freeing the moment I know I'm not hooked up to anything.
Anthony and the boys came the second night to have our first family dinner together. It was wonderful but so hard at the same time. It's just so hard when I can't really move around and have to be so careful with everyone near me and moving and not doing too much too soon when all I want to do is hold my children. Hardest thing when you have three sons waiting for you let me tell you. But, the boys absolutely adore her and I posted the video of the first moments they saw and met their baby sister...I often watch it. They are just so tender and sweet and love hard sometimes but all from a good place. She's so lucky!
The second night, I think I've told some, but Violet turned literally Violet. It was so scary. She was laying next to me in her bassinet and I heard her doing this weird swallowing noise, and so I attempted to roll her over the best I could from my reach because I still couldn't really sit up on my own and I started to yell to Anthony that he needed to get her because something was wrong. She looked darker to me. So he came over and started suctioning her throat with the bulb syringe and told me to call a nurse. I called and they RAN! Scariest thing, they had her upside down suctioning and finally she got air and turned back to pink. Needless to say I couldn't sleep. Took me longer to get her into her bassinet at home because I was so scared from this and she spits up out her nose sometimes and that freaks me out too. ahhh. stress!
I do have to stay a minimum of three days. I was savoring this stay, the peace, the food delivery, the fresh iced water in my water bottle always full, the me not having to raise my voice at anyone...this was my vacation for the time being! The day we were getting released I was feeling great and then attempted to go to the "bathroom". I used the quotes because you know what that means. Oiy! I had severe and by severe I mean....beyond extreme severe constipation. I won't ever go into details about this and what had to be done...let's just say I'd rather have another c-section...Yes, that's right, it was that awful! Finally got home and our lives with four began! also a shout out to nurses!!!! Underpaid indeed. The nurses were the best and I'm going to miss those connections too. We did fb after this delivery though which was nice!...stay tuned for how life with four is!
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