This is my Life: What's life like with four kids you ask?
Had I written this blog yesterday, it probably would have been emotional and a little moody because as some may have seen, our Nathan wasn't feeling well. In those moments are when I think...ohhh when people ask me how life with four is? I should mention the evenings when one or two wake up. A few nights after being home after Violet was born, a meal didn't agree with Nathan's belly and he was throwing up...We were thrown right into the life haha.
First let me start by saying...the Bible says that the Lord blesses us with our hearts desires (Psalm 37:4). I don't think I even knew I desired having a daughter. I always said I wanted four boys. I LOVE being a boy mom!! But, I needed this little girl probably as much as she needs me. She brings such a pure completion to our home. If our home could smile on the outside, the moment she entered, it would have! (lol cheesey but true). We all adore her and I truly love the feeling of having a companion. Talking to another girl about the stinky boys :) It's cute and fun!
Obviously it has it's moments of just p.u.r.e exhaustion. Violet still wakes up one or two times a night to nurse. It's not the type of thing where, as other nursing mother's know, you aren't sitting there asleep (or maybe you are lol). You are tired, but you are awake. You have to burp and change diapers then get them back to sleep. This all takes about a half hour if not more. Then have to get yourself back to sleep. Fortunately, after years of sleep deprivation, I can function pretty well on at 5 or 6 hours of sleep. But, when one of our boys is having a hard time, whether Connor's in one of his flares with fevers, Jamison needs to pee or Nathan with his ear....on top of nursing, I felt like a zombie yesterday.
But, these evenings are rare and that is what's so beautiful. Yes, those bad nights can seem to over ride the beauty that is having four kids, but I won't let it ;) These moments...
Over ride it all! I'm not going to lie, it has it's definite hard times! If I'm by myself, like when we went Jordan's furniture and Connor was doing the ropes course, Violet of course, as I'm changing her diaper on my legs, Connor and Jamison are at the ages where they will sit nice and stay close with their friends, but Nathan books it. Thankfully I had a friend with me to help! It was also stressful When Connor was high on the ropes course, I was worried about him, I'm walking around the smaller ropes course with Nathan keeping and eye on Jamison ahead of him and Violet in the ergo (carrier) screaming at me. Or when we're trying to get the boys all bathed and ready for bed and Violet is just screaming bloody murder at us. Or when the boys are having a disagreement and then Violet is crying. I need ear plugs! See, it's pure bliss right ? ;) But, as with all kids, it's all in phase. I know Violet will outgrow the "scream at me about everything" phase, I know Nathan will outgrow the "don't listen to a word my mom says" phase. I know Connor will outgrow the "I'm an adult now I can make my own decisions" phase and I know Jamison will outgrow the "moan when I cry" phase. Then before I know it, Anthony and I will be driving on some trip with our family as teenagers laughing about all of the above with our children who will probably all be taller than me.
Anthony and I, both, are not the type to not take adventures or do stuff with our children. We won't let having four kids stop us from going out to dinner, or to a park, or anything really. Our theory is, the more we expose them to these types of situations, the better they will understand how they are to obey and act. We've gone out to dinner four or five times now as a family of six, yes, we chose loud restaurants until they learn, so we don't disrupt other people...but we make it through :)
It's crazy beautiful. I would never recommend to someone to not have a large family because of any of the above..I'd probably recommend it because of the above. It makes life fun!
Things that change? Well we already had the mini van!....We usually have to use two carts now if we attempt to shop...we probably will start to get excluded from gatherings (lol just kidding)...The laundry legit doesn't end, I thought it was bad before, nope! I can no longer just say "the boys" it's now "the kids" ...dinners are louder...hard to find someone to watch FOUR children...but doesn't this sound fun?!? I hope so!
The difficult thing for me as been to balance it all. Of course, my children constantly see me holding Violet because I feed her and because she's a baby. This has been hardest on Nathan since he was just that for me a short couple months ago. The more time that passes, the better he seems, but I have to make sure I'm deliberate about showing him a great amount of affection and attention. A lot of positive reinforcement and affirmation as that seems to be his love language. Connor and Jamison of course do great. They had already gone through welcoming Nathan at a young age and I watch the other children which helps! They are very patient and understanding. We try to keep the routine and family stuff we do together the same which I think is important and helps the balance of it all.
Then, then next thing that I find most important and look forward too is taking time for myself and time with Anthony. I will straight out admit this has been my hardest struggle. That seems next to impossible right now. I miss reading!!!! Between being home all day with the kids and other kids...Anthony's new schedule leaves me alone until 6, then baths, bed times and then I'm still a wife at the end of it all. The moment my head gets to that pillow, I'm gone. But, I was a wife before I was a mother. I try so hard to remember that and remember the deep importance of it. It's probably one of the hardest balances next to balancing four children. But, it all levels out eventually and I see the rhythm coming! Sadly, right now, the times I get to have most contact with my husband is when we're in the car and all the children are restrained. I can hold his hand, rub his neck, kiss him, all without being pulled on. Might be yelled at by a child, but I've learned to tune that out pretty well at this point :)
Obviously it's amazing...and having three boys and then a little girl comes with tons of sweetness and tender love that's just...ahh..I'm just grateful I can capture so much of it!
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