This is my Life: Parent of Multiples
I have had a strong desire to write about being a Mom of multiple children. I read a blog a few weeks ago and although some parts made me chuckle (really just the van "upgrade"), it had a negative spin on things, when in reality, it's wonderful!
I mean look at these three muffins! How could you not want them? I may be biased because I'm their Mom, but still ;)
You know that feeling you have the first time you hold your baby. You get to do that each time, it's the same amazing overwhelmed feeling of love each time. Obviously you are different, you are a more experienced Mom each time. You're confident in your ability, you're confident in nursing and confident with how to comfort. For Mom's the push out their babies, the relief of being done after many MANY hours of laboring with your baby and the struggle, you finally hold your baby for the first time, wouldn't you want to experience that feeling again as bad as it was?
I remember a nurse saying to Anthony and I when she would come check up on us after Nathan was born, she could totally tell it wasn't our first rodeo. I mean Anthony was holding Nathan with one leg up on the side of the chair, haha. A natural Dad if you will. Not nervous on how to hold a baby :)
Each child brings you different struggled and different joys. That's just part of being a parent. Even a parent of one child, you will experience this. You will experience the struggles of shaping proper behavior, you will experience wonderful joy. With more than one child, that is just magnified. The struggles are there and everywhere and the joys and different personalities bring a dynamic to your family as a whole. You learn to "manage" your children. You get a a schedule, you know their different needs, you learn what you need to do at certain times to conquer a task.
For instance, you often get asked the question, how can you afford to have so many children? Or, do you think you should have another child, you may go broke? Really? Yes, having children does cost money. Especially if you have your children in daycare or private schools and your grocery bill does go up! But, think about all the "extras" you spend money on when you don't have kids. You go out to eat more, you may buy nice expensive clothing or handbags, starbucks coffees vs mcdonalds coffees, vacations. When you have children, you become a financial advisor. The fancy things don't matter anymore. You cut back on cable, you cut back on eating out, you cut back on buying new clothes every season. You realize that these little lives you are bringing into the world bring you more joy than an expensive bag could ever bring you. You may get by by just the skin of your teeth and live pay check to pay check, but think about when they are adults, and the amazing holiday's you will have and the bond you are creating for these children. They will share life together always! It's very TRUE that money can not buy happiness. Value Life, not money.
Yes, there are more messes, Yes, you may have crazy days driving one kid to soccer and the other to piano. Yes, the laundry sometimes piles to the ceiling, Yes, there are more dishes, Yes the floors are a constant battle, Yes, you will have cereal and other gross sticky food items in your car when you never thought you would, Yes you will climb into bed and find toys or have to share a bed some nights, Yes, they will get sick and sometimes all at one and it will seem never ending, Yes, you will have handprints on all your windows and appliances, Yes you will probably get throw up on your nice rugs and if your lucky, in your car, Yes, you will probably have to get the dreaded van, Yes, you will have moments of panic, Yes, you will struggle, but look at this picture below.
Doesn't it take away all those stresses above? You are creating an everlasting bond. Our middle son Jamison, can not sleep with his big brother Connor. They have been sharing a bedroom since Jamison was 22 months when we moved him into a twin bed. When he moved up, we bought bunk beds. They love each other and they adore their little brother Nathan and we hope to soon be able to do the same for Nathan. To see your children loving each other, there's nothing like it. YES! they fight, more often than you will like. They will bicker and it will make you want to scream at moments and that's natural, even being around a lot of people will make you want to do that. But, think as an adult, it's easier to bicker with the ones we love most. And, that right there is exactly that. You LOVE your family most. Your children will grow together, they share childhood together, they will share the same memories and be able to look back and laugh about funny family vacations, or remember whens? Those are the best and they will only share them with each other. Not a friend, not a cousin, but their brother or sister.
Lastly, even though I could name a million blessings of having a lot of children, they bring you closer to God. Even if you are not a believer, you will find yourself in helpless moments where you throw up a prayer. You may not even realize it. Your child could be sick or your child could have gotten out of your sight, many reasons, you will find yourself saying, Please God, Please God. These little children are the closest thing we have to Him. They are our closest earthly gifts we have to God.
There are women out there that would do anything to have a baby, to have more than one baby and it's a struggle for them. Count your blessings and enjoy the fun chaos! It will be gone before you know it.
You are creating a Legacy. You are raising a family enjoy it and multiply ;)
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