Welcome to my life. I hope it will bring you some encouragement, laughter, support, and comfort.

My husband, Anthony, and I will be married 7 years this May. SEVEN years! I can not describe how fast it has gone by. I feel like just yesterday I was flying down to NC to visit him at school and him making me a yummy ham dinner. Now we are a growing family, with three children. Three sons, that is. Connor, our oldest who is 5, Jamison our middle son, he is 3 and Nathan our youngest random red head, he is 1.

Conquering life decisions everyday! Sometimes not so important, but they feel it....what to make for dinner for our family (because we all know not EVERYONE will eat it, cough "Connor"), where to send the kids to school and how we will afford it, how to conquer the laundry, when to do the grocery shopping (Do we want to conquer it as a family or drop it to one parent and get it done fast), how many gallons of milk to buy now. I had a dream the other night that I was shopping for milk and I had to purchase a 40 GALLON tub of milk. That's right, and I was trying to pull it down the aisle. That's where we are now, buying four gallons of milk, 5 boxes of cereal (2 are my addiction to raisin bran), oatmeal galore and 5 different types of meat for the week. And I can proudly say, despite the "difficult" day to day decisions, balancing our check book (which we all do right), raising our children and raising our children as Godly children, I am more in love with my husband now than I ever have been. The trials truly do bring you closer and as hard as they are when you are in them, and they feel like forever sometimes, the fruits are far worth them.
I am a stay at home Mom, but also a working stay at home mom. After Connor was born, I went back to work and Anthony's grandmother was able to watch him. Once Jamison came along, we wanted Jamison to stay with Memere, which meant we had to enroll Connor in daycare. I was devastated to say the least. It wasn't a good experience for us and he lasted four months. I quit my job and we pulled him out of daycare. Let's just say Jesus works in the most amazing ways. By quitting my job, I was asked to work from home and this was the greatest blessing. I was going to waitress at night to make our ends meet, but now I have been given my work in my home and I get to stay home with my children. It hasn't been easiest ride but certainly for the best. I struggled greatly at the start with organizing my time while being the primary keeper of our home and keeping it running and raising our children, preparing all meals, being there for my husband, keeping Jesus front and center, all while working 30 hours a week. Definitely has it's pro's and con's but, this is where Jesus wanted me and exactly where I desired to be. I will get into that more in a later post.
I will post every Monday and Thursday focusing on the joys, struggles, milestones, etc of my experiences as a Mom and Wife with topics such as a life with three boys, breastfeeding (a passion of mine that was a gigantic struggle), SAHM and working Mom's, fear, joy, intimacy, organization, discipline, and LOTS more. I'm really excited to be transparent for you! Enjoy !
*Trust in the Lord with all of your heart* Proverbs 3:5 (Our memorization of the week)
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