Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sleep...or lack there of

This is my Life: Sleeping!!!! 

I'm certain, the end of pregnancy was to train us for the sleepless nights ahead.  The sleep deprivation starts even before our bundle of joy arrives.  
 The first night we brought Connor home, both Anthony and I were crying.  He.. would ..not... sleep.  We tried swaddling which would work for awhile, the shhhing in the ear (Anthony's specialty) . At this point, when you are soooo tired, you do the big no no.  Nurse baby and let him sleep on you.  You don't care if it's wrong, you just need a couple hours.  (pillows propped all around you to ensure baby is safe).  There is nothing wrong with this.  For awhile anyway! Babies always seem to have their nights and days reverse, lovely isn't it?  They are seeking security :) 
There is a light, I assure you.  We started sleep "training" our boys when they were in their own crib.  So, roughly 7-8 months old.  I'm a true believer that we are better parents with adequate sleep.  It all comes down to routine and I will say as every mom can probably agree, hearing your first child cry is by far the hardest thing to endure (it gets easier to tolerate the more you have).  You want nothing more than to hold your baby in your arms, BUT sleep is incredibly important for a healthy baby.  Sleep is also important for a healthy parent.  Like adults, babies need their rest to rejuvenate and especially grow.

So....the big question, how do you get your baby to SLEEP!?!?!? These are my suggestions and what have worked for us. 

1. Get on a nightly routine.  As I said in a previous blog, routine=security.  

I'm going to use our bedtime routine with Nathan because it's fresh in my mind :) We did bascially the same routine with Connor and Jamison as babies, but Nathan is by far our best sleeper. 

Our showers/baths are the sign of winding down.  There's not tickling, wrestling, etc after baths.  That gets children all roweled up and hyper.  I couldn't fall asleep after that either, but I could fall asleep after a soothing massage :)

Our bedtime routine looks like this:  
After dinner, we head into the bath (even the shampoo, soaping is routine)
Out of bath, brush his teeth (this is new for us this weekend with Nathan)
Head upstairs with dim lighting 
I lay him on the floor and give him a little baby massage with baby lavender gel (smells relaxing!)
PJ's on
Turn on night light and heater 
walk over to turn off light and turn on fan
Give him his Paci, with a kiss and lay him in his bed.  
I then grab his humidifier to go fill and bring it back up. 

Now he knows his routine as well.  He knows I come back up to bring the humidifier and I then give him another kiss and head downstairs.  It's a calm routine, no horseplay.   He now lays down and either talks to himself for a few minutes or goes right to sleep.  

Connor and Jamison's routine is very similar.  After showers, they usually read a book or watch a movie for a little bit, get their waters and soothie sacks, say our prayers and kisses goodnight.  Off to sleep they go between 7:30-8  :) 

2.The first nights we had to let them cry.  Nathan actually did much better than Connor.  But not all children would be the same. Different children, different personalities.  

--Let baby cry for 10 minutes, either sit in the room or go back in, comfort and then head back out.  Note: do not pick baby up.  Just rub his or her back and give paci again if they use one and go back out.  Continue to do the same thing.  The first night will seem like forever, as will the second night, but your baby will LEARN how to soothe themselves as the nights go on and what you felt like would be a never ending battle, will be RESTFUL NIGHTS for you!!! 

If you really want to sleep train your baby, here are some other recommendations. 

1. Find a solid week on your calendar where you will be home every night and can stick to the same routine. 

2. Do not nurse baby to sleep.  Nurse baby before bed, but not to sleep.  A large part of sleep "training" is allowing baby to fall asleep on their own.  If they fall asleep while nursing, they will want to nurse when they wake up in the middle of the night and you don't want to be a living paci :) 

3. Noise maker or fan!  Huge Huge advocate for these.  We all use a fan (whether the hubs likes it or not). With a family of five, it drowns out any additional noises that could disrupt the slumber!

4. The most important is, BE STRONG.  It will be soooooo hard, sooo hard!  But, it will be the best for you and for baby.  

A mama doesn't have to get through everyday strung out on coffee! haha. 

Always remember, you know your babies best!!!!  I encourage you to start training your baby to sleep for ALL members of your family :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Milking in Progress

This is my Life: Milking in Progress

It's taken me a bit to completely wrap my head around what I wanted to write about.  And although, I love the topic of intimacy, which I will later write about, I'm passionate about breastfeeding.  So, here I go. 
If only it could be this glamorous right?
Really we look like this and isn't this the truth?  There are so many stresses about being a first time Mom!!!!! Unfortunately, being a breastfeeding Mom or choosing to be a breastfeeding Mom shouldn't be one of the struggles. For me it was.  Before I was pregnant and even while I was pregnant, I said I did not want to breastfeed.  That it was barbaric, weird, gross, etc.  As I got closer to my due date, my heart changed.  And BOY (no pun haha), did it change! 

My first nights with Connor were hard.  I did not have the confidence or support I needed.  I did have Anthony and the nurses which were fantastic, but it still made it hard. I was a young new Mom.   I lacked my milk coming in, I was worried that Connor wasn't getting enough because I "couldn't see it", my boobs were killing me.  It's not easy. 

First nights home were a cry fest on everyone's behalf!  My Mother in Law came over shortly after we were home with Connor and I remember sitting in our bed, wanting to give up.  I was so worried and discouraged.  My milk came in in the hospital and I was still doubting.  She assured me I was doing the best thing for Connor and it was exactly what I needed to hear.   I got a little more confident but was still uneasy about nursing around others.  I was get comments like, how do you know he's full? How do you know he's getting enough? Can he breathe under there?  Silliness.  He knows when he's full, he'll pull away, he's growing and was always off the charts (well for height, weight, well he's my husbands son!), our children were meant to breastfeed.  Their little noses are built to be able to nurse and breathe. 

I mean just think about the location of our breasts and where we hold babies.  I could understand if our boobs were on our forehead and I had to hold my baby up...yes, probably wouldn't be ideal and wouldn't look natural.  But, if you are pregnant with your first child especially, I SUPPORT YOU!!!! From the moment you found out you were pregnant, you wanted what was best for that little muffin inside.  Continue!  The nutrients for baby alone do not compare and the benefits for Mom, worth it!

What to expect:  I wish I knew these things!
1. Pain!!!!!! People tell you when the milk comes in you'll have these large boobs.  Very true, you'd think fantastic, but the first part is the engorgement, which is just plain awful.  They hurt.  Also, your nipples, pain.  They pretty much have to get conditioned.  With Jamison, I had to have a prescription cream.  I thought after one, I'd be good, nope still hurts!  You dread the latch on, once baby is latched, you clench and breathe through the pain...it does subside! :) (Unless infected, then seek care). 

2. Contractions after birth: The breastfeeding triggers contractions in your uterus.  It's painful, similar to menstruate cramps.  This is a good thing though.  It's helping your uterus get back to it's normal size!  This gets much worse the more children you have.  It was very painful after Nathan.  Not only was I clenching for the pain of latch, but not cramps? ehhhh. 

3. Nursing sessions: they seem forrrrrrreeeevvvveeerr!  I mentioned on a previous blog, I will miss out on so many conversations or gatherings because of the length of the feedings. But, they are great and necessary.   They are full of bonding with your baby and establishing your milk supply.  These feedings to get shorter as your milk will let down quicker and faster. 

4. Waking a sleeping baby: Something you hear is very frowned upon!  It is necessary with a new baby.  Babies are naturally sleepy and unfortunately, you will have to stimulate your baby to feed your baby.  Removing clothing, changing diapers, tickle piggies etc.

5. Dads!!!! One thing we struggled with after Connor was born was Anthony having his time.  The Mom's carry the babies, then after, we have them all the time because we are their food source.  Encourage Dads to snuggle your babies after you are done nursing.  This can be hard because you just want to fall asleep or you don't want to move the baby, but put yourself in your husbands shoes.  He longs to snuggle his child too and feel that skin to skin bonding.  So, share the beautiful gift.  Let him have moments of bonding too. :) 

6.  Don't look at other Mom's.  You may think they have it down, doing everything far better than you, or perhaps they are using formula and have it easier, more freedom. But, don't give up this time.  Your baby was in your belly, then out. It's natural the only place your baby wants to be is on your skin and close to you, and how much closer than feeding?  

7.  Lastly- the awesome leakage.  You hear stories about Mom's shopping and they hear a baby cry and bam, milk lets down.  Well, this is true.  It may not let down at the sound of the cry, but it triggers you to think about baby, which triggers you to think about feeding baby, which will lead to your let down.  The worst is when you leak through your shirts! Motherhood :)  Even the breast pads sometimes can't hold it in, so I recommend just always having a nice shall or sweater handy! haha

Don't get me wrong, 8-9 months in, I wanted to be able to be out for more than 2-3 hours without someone needed me. Once a year hits, I'm ready to go to the cup and cow milk!  I'm not comfy nursing after a year.  Something about my child knowing, "knowing" and walking to me as their food source, I'm just not comfortable with that.  But, that is me!  Other Mom's may want to nurse far longer and that's their decision, just like it's yours to nurse from the start!  You know what, this goes by so fast.  It won't seem it at the time, you may feel like you just want to cry, which you can, but I promise you, a few months will go by before you know it, it will be done. 

Despite all these "negatives" things listed above.  They only last a short amount of time.  The pain goes away and nursing will be one of the best decisions you ever made for you and for your child.  I ENCOURAGE you to try it for at least 4 weeks, and see where you stand!!!

Now, I could list double if not triple the benefits to nursing, but here's a few! 

1. Emotional connection-the skin on skin, being a food source, knowing the nutrients you are producing and keeping your baby alive-it's all amazing! 

2. You don't have to prepare a bottle- You will be exhausted, as will your husband. Who wants to spend the time preparing a bottle half asleep, getting the temperature of the water right? Not me :)  Your milk is already prepared and the temperature is perfect for your little bundle!

3. Less to carry-Your milk prepares itself. Pretty awesome.  You can just leave the house and not have to worry about formula, water, bottles.  I remember one time I was on the elevator and I thought to myself, if this every broke, I would be able to keep Connor fed and safe.  It's perfect! 

4.  Easy one!!!! Saves you tons of money!!!!!!  I had to buy one thing of formula when I wanted to ween Nathan, $30!!!! I could not imagine my child starting from formula day one.  That's very expensive when you have free milk given to you!

5. You burn lots of calories!!! Much easier to lose weight after birth. 
You will have a lot of decisions to make for your children, start off on a great note! Best advice I can give, stay confident in yourself.  

When my children are all in school, I want to be a lactation specialist.  I have a true passion for nursing.  It's so wonderful and supporting Mom's is also a passion.  Can't get better than that.  

There are a lot of resources out there, but if you ever have any questions, I'm here! :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Deeper look at St. Valentine's Day

This is my Life:  Valentine's Day Epiphany

This morning as Connor and I were preparing his Valentine's Day cards for his school party tomorrow, it dawned on me.....St. Valentine's Day.  St.Valentine's Day.  We are preparing these cute Turbo cards for his class mates...this is a Christian holiday.  I thought to myself, why is a Valentine's Day party not frowned upon but a Christmas party is.  Schools can't have a Christmas party because they don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt or because lots of people have different beliefs. 
 So I dug deeper. I did a lot of research on the meaning of St. Valentine's Day.  With it's pagan roots, fertility, lotteries of lust, cupid, very bizarre events and explanations describing the roots of Valentine's Day.  But. St. Valentine was a priest and physician.  He lived his life devoted, serving others, healing.  He was a Christian who was martyred during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius II.  Under his power, all Christians were guilty of treason because he wanted all citizens to worship him and proclaim is he lord.  Of course, for a Christian, there is the one and only heavenly Father.  St. Valentine, even after his arrest, continued to minister in prison.  A prison guard had adopted a young blind girl and the guard had asked if God could help.  St. Valentine prayed over the little girl and her sight was restored.  By this act, the guard and his family of 46 people all accepted Jesus as their savior.  The Emperor heard about this and sentenced St. Valentine to death. 

As St. Valentine was being lead out to his death, he wrote a note to the guards daughter signing it "From Your Valentine".  Which began the tradition of sending Valentine's cards.  Pretty interesting!!

This day, as many Christian holidays are, became very commercialized.  Cards, candy, gifts, sweet speech, etc.  This coming from a hopeless romantic, let's not forget what this day really signifies.  We are actually celebrating the life of a young man who was completely devoted to Christ and his walk with Christ that he would not renounce his faith.  So, this year, let's raise our children to understand the meaning of their cards and spread the love, His love! I have no doubt that Connor will spread His love.  His teacher has told me multiple times that he vocalizes his love for Jesus quite often! Freedom of speech and she loves it!  Follow St. Valentine's example by living for Jesus and serving others.  
 This holiday also, because of how it is commercialized now, can be a depressing day for some.  Single, newly single, divorced, etc.  They feel they don't have anyone to spend this day with.  You could NOT be more wrong.  You have the unconditional love of Jesus!  He loves you, which is all the love you'll ever need :)  How's that for romantic!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Mishaps

This is my Life: Valentine's Day Mishaps 

I'm a hopeless romantic.  I know, big surprise.  ;)  I love the sappy stuff.  
This is me right here, kissing in the rain!

But, as a woman, buying for a guy for Valentine's Day is a challenge.   I never know what to buy and or make for my husband!!!  
One of our first Valentine's Days as a married couple, I got him a precious moment.  Yes, you read that right!! A precious moment. 
This one to be exact.  I lined up cards in our apartment, 10 cards, each one with a reason why I love him.  He followed the trail and it led him to his amazing gift!!!! Let's just say, this was an epic fail. (It now resides on my dresser).

You would have thought I learned a lesson from this one right?  Nope.  A few years ago, Anthony told me randomly one day that a reason why he wasn't reading at night was because he did not have a light on his side of the bed.  So, me, thinking this was such a cute thoughtful idea, bought us matching bedside lamps for HiS gift.
Yes, these are the lamps! Matching little bedside lamps.  I wish I had his reaction recorded because they've been funny!  He graciously accepts my silly gifts!

I can't recall presents from Anthony..which is probably a good thing!  Nothing bad has stuck out.  I've got a good Mother's Day failed gift, lol, but no Valentine's Day ones. I did just ask him and he remembers buying me the nice family frame we have downstairs.  That was really nice! I used to have it in my office when I worked out of our home, which was one of the main reasons he bought it.  

Needless to say, instead of spending our money on silly objects that really don't matter in the long run for us, we chose to spend quality time together every year.  So....we now enjoy
A couples massage together every Valentine's Day. (I chose this picture because it actually looks like us!, haha).  But, the thing we long for most is relaxing quality time together.  So, with this, we get the car ride and a peaceful massage which the Spa makes really romantic!!! It's so fun.  The hopeless romantic in me loves the rose pedals all around because we don't get the "romantic" moments much anymore.  But, on Valentine's Day every year, we now have this, which I'm so grateful for. 

What are some of your "mishaps" on the most romantic day of the year??? ;)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Surviving the Seasons

This is my Life: Tough Seasons

You probably thought this was going to be about surviving the germy season's right?? :)  Nope. This is about surviving my days with a little more grace and hoping it will encourage you to embrace it as well.

This week was a tough one for me.  I was emotionally and physically drained.  My toosh was cooked and all I wanted to do was sit in the shower for endless hours (if my water would allow, I probably would).  This is where I pretend I am even though I'm surrounded by bath toys and a curtain I have to hold down with shampoo bottles.

Before you are a Mom you have all the expectations.  I will not yell at my children, I will not have children who speak back with attitude, I will not have a messy house, I will not nurse, I will not have crazy children not obeying in public, I will not allow my sons to pee in a semi public area. I would comment to myself that those "other" moms should discipline their children, etc.   Now, I am all of these Moms!! 
This is apple picking and I promise they did not pee on these trees! But, I have let them pee in the woods, just an added benefit to having all boys ;) 
There is so much truth in this statement.  It is so hard when you explain something to your child, for instance, staying in their bed.  You sit with them, calmly tell them the expectation, close the door, go downstairs, and you hear those little foot steps.  My whole body fills up.  I sometimes have to sit in the hall and just hold my head in my hands and pray because I know I can't do it alone.  I need His grace to calm me so I can be the best Mom to my child.  I take time to control myself, because I have had those moments where I don't gain my control and we all end up in tears because it's not how we are.  I don't like to yell and I don't like to see my child after I have yelled at them.  It's like that scene of Monsters Inc when Sully yells and Boo starts crying.  But, patience of a Mom runs thin and it's one thing that can make us better Moms. 

I had to tell myself that certain things are not big deals or I may have lost myself in the battles.  We have these ideals about how motherhood should be and how we should be as mothers and how others view us as mothers and it's exhausting.  God made us all differently and with all different children.  So although, something may work one way for another family, doesn't mean it's going to work perfectly for your family.  Absolutely accept all wisdom from Mom's because they've been through it, BUT, don't kill yourself thinking you're doing it all wrong if it's not working.  Everyone has different learning curves :) 

A Pastor at our church told us once that, God chose us as parents, US.  We are the perfect parents for OUR children and no one could be better for them.  I continually tell myself this when I feel like I'm failing. During the days that get the best of me.

Here are some things I TRY to remember to do to embrace Motherhood for all that it is.  A Gift! :)  

1. Pray- This may seem silly to some, but it is the furthest thing from it.  When I read and am adamant about reading and seek God first through any trials I am facing, I have far more grace than I ever thought I could based on how I'm feeling in the heat of the moment.  Even if Anthony and I are having a disagreement and instead of continuing through my emotions, I step away, read and I can then attempt have a respectful conversation (at least I try). :) 

2. Laugh- If I am silly (which I am!) I have noticed that my children, and even the children I watch, relate to me more.  Yesterday, I legit had a full out dance party with them, even broke a sweat, and they were laughing and having so much fun, and so was I!  They love to see you act like a goober and be one of them.  Whenever Anthony has an adventure with the boys outside, they talk about it forever! Literally.  They laughed and explored together and they love you in their elements of childhood. 

3. Think to yourself-is it TRULY a big deal- There are certain areas I have not let my priorities down.  Let's say, my child walks in from outside and keeps their boots on, yes, I'm upset because my floor is dirty.  Yes, I will calmly explain myself again that we can't walk into the house with wet shoes, but, does this warrant me getting bent out of shape?  No.  Keeping them spot clean all the time? No. I have three boys and we love to be outside, we love to play and be dirty.  My boys live in crocs in the summer and their feet are disgusting!!! But, it's not a big deal to have them clean every moment.

We will not lax in obedience, respect and being "truth tellers".   The standards are the same for all our children.  We expect all the same responses and respect for the three of them.  The same behavior, etc.  I will not ignore bad behavior or give in to it.  These responses shape our children.  We are responsible for how they turn out and grow into adults.  The labors are soooooo hard right now, exhausting; but I have seen families and see how great the fruits are when we put in the gracious efforts! 

4.  Relax- A continual struggle.  Jamison is the child that pushes this area on me quite often.  He is so wonderfully frustrating in many different ways.  All my children are, but he is definitely our "trying" child.  Jamison could literally sit on the potty when he has to take a "poop" for a half hour!! I don't know about you, but I'm in and out.  He sits there and sits there and sits there and sits there.  I have now chosen to not sit there and chat with him anymore because I was getting so frustrated.  Are you done yet, are you done yet?  Instead, I go complete another chore and let him have the time he "needs".  Will definitely have to invest in good books for him to keep near the potty! 

5. Trust myself- There are so many books and blogs out there as well as advice from other parents about how you should be doing something.  This is when you can really feel down and out.  Feel like a failure as mother.  But, you need to trust that you are doing everything right.  Seek God first, He promises that if you seek him, he knows the desires of your heart and he will not deny you those desires.  I constantly pray for my children.  I pray for their lives, their future, their spouses, their days.  I have many desires as a Mom.  And as I expressed before, when I pray for patience and grace for speaking gently and respectfully to my child, man does He supply!!

Right now I'm dealing with a 5 1/2 year old boy who is one of the most loving little men you'll ever meet, moody with an attitude that could make you cry, so smart (like surprisingly smart!) and so much more.  All in one little boy!  My almost four year old, is so adventurous, hilarious, major button pusher, deliberate, but when he tells you he loves you and hugs you, the best.  And then my 1 year old son, who is learning to walk, temper filled, adorable and likes to make his brothers mad.  All these three different personalities, juggling how to manage each child right all under one roof, it's exhausting!  But, God gave us these little children! He gives me the strength I need to get through each day and to give all that I can and in all the different ways each of my sons needs me.  I'm tired now, but I know I'll miss this exhaustion when they are calling me about their own kiddies :)  Give thanks in the stress. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mama Must Haves

This is my Life: Top 10 Mama Must Haves

When you are registering as a new Mom, the stores can be so overwhelming!!! Everyone tells you what you need, but never naming brands or anything.  I'm a practical Mom.  I don't over spend an unnecessary items, so here's a list of things I couldn't live without!  Also, I'm not going to list travel systems, high chairs, or pack n plays because I think those are a given :)

1. My Monitor. 
I think you could call me a little obsessed.  I have this constant need to hear my children.  I had the monitor STILL in Connor and Jamison's room, (which is right across the hall) until Nathan was born.  They were 5 and 3.  I know, sad.  But, I could not live without this.  It has lasted almost six years, water proof, just an excellent comfort.  

2. My Wagon.
Seems Silly, but I don't think I could function, especially during summer,  without our wagon.  This was our present to Connor for his first birthday (which we stopped buying gifts for them so young because they don't know, haha).  The seats fold down to make a flat surface.  I use our wagon all the times for walks and just as a side note, it holds an infant seat safely, which you wouldn't think!  Also, for the beach.  Couldn't go to the beach without the wagon!

3.  My Carrier
Hands down, spend the money on an ergo.  I did not invent in a good carrier until Nathan.  I used the moby wrap for both Connor and Jamison, but rarely used it.  Once Nathan came along, you are outnumbered and the carrier is fantastic.  I do wish I had it for both Connor and Jamison.  So, I borrowed my friends ergo for a trip we were taking to Boston for Connor and I didn't want to have a stroller with the train, etc.  WAS AMAZING!!! So I returned her carrier and STILL went and bought a cheaper one at target to just have and tried it on a walk.  My back and shoulders were killing me!!! Needless to say, I bought the ergo and it is money well spent.  Get an ergo CARRIER! :)

4. My Bag
 I like stylish bags.  I'm not a "diaper bagger."
With your first, which I remember, I felt I had to leave the house with 15 diapers, wipes, nose plunger (because I would do this in public), nail clippers(could be a hazard all of a sudden??), butt cream, tylenol (a fever could come on at any moment), change of clothes, shoes, blankets, lol.  Anyways, you get it , everything!  Those commercials with the first time Mom, then the Mom of more than one child crack me up because they are spot on.  I was lugging two bags around, my purse and a diaper bag.  This is not necessary.  The odds of you being out with your child more than three hours isn't likely.  Obviously traveling a different story, but to go to the mall, grocery store, etc.  Just throwing some diapers, wipes and a spit up cloth in the bag are my essentials and I just carry a larger purse.  :)

4. My Cover 
This is actually my cover :)  If you want to be or are a nursing Mom, you know how essential a nursing cover is.  There will be many times you need to nurse your baby.  I'm still not comfortable using my cover sitting in the middle of the mall, only because you never know if your little muffin will want to hop on out, so I go in a dressing room. At a gathering or church, these are perfect.  I showed my Mom and she thought it was a pretty apron :) 

5. Receiving blankets
Good receiving blankets are great to have!  These, by aden and anais are large and perfect.  The ones they sell at your normal store are not large enough to swaddle your baby or even to really cover yourself quickly when nursing your baby.  These are light and breathable too! 

6. Boppy
These are needed for a number of reasons.  They are a great support for Mom when she is nursing.  Moms tend to hunch over when they nurse and it hurts their backs.  These provide needed support for comfort for both Mom and baby.  It's also a great pillow for baby to just relax in.  To keep baby safe from rolling off anywhere when they are infants, this safely protects and them is a nice napping pillow for baby! 

7. Swing
This was actually our exact swing.  I could not live without a swing.  It's a safe relaxing place for baby to rest.  Allows for Mom to do some stuff around the house that she needs to do.  It's also a great thing to have when baby has a cold because it has and adjusting chair so it can be more erect to allow for easier breathing :)  I will now probably invest in a rock n play, which has the same idea.  But, definitely something you can sit baby, a swing, bouncer, rock n play.  

8.  Breast Pump


Whether you will be a stay at home Mom or a working Mom, an electric breast pump is good to have.  There will be moments when you may be full and need some sweet release, or preparation for a date night, starting to save for when you return to work and pumping when you are at work.  Even for clogged ducts, excellent to have around!  This also entails a good nursing bra (highly recommend a padded one to help hide leaking) nursing pads and boob cream of course!

9.  Mylicon
I'm not sure I could write about how amazing Mylicon is.  It's just pure sweetness for your fussy muffin.  Babies can't talk, which we all know is the hardest thing.  For most babies, their fussiness is simply, gas or just something small.  This is amazing!!!!!!! All Mom's should have a bottle.  It's so gentle that you can give it to them at every feeding! 

10. Thermometer 
Need a good one of these.  I love the ear ones.  I got this at my shower with Connor and it's still great!  When Connor was having all his episodes this summer, it's just great having a reliable painless way to check your child's temperature.  Under the arm pit, or bum, are just not always accurate.  The forehead ones are great too! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why I sell Mary Kay

This is My Life:  Mary Kay

Yes, I am a Stay at Home Mom, I care for other little muffins, have my billing job and I am a Mary Kay Consultant.  :)
I started my Mary Kay business almost a year ago!! I can't believe it. 

Did you know that there are two things, despite how the economy goes, women do not give up?? 1. Candy!  2. Cosmetics.   We all know we feel more confident and pretty when we have a little something on our face :) 

I was definitely nervous to start it.  As most of you know and who know me well, I'm not a "beautifier".   I don't wear a lot of make up and knew very little about it.  I do the basics most days and then stretch it to add foundation on days I'm feeling up to it :) This is what Mary Kay is really recognized for, so how would I do this? 

Well, if any of you have ever been to Mary Kay party, it's usually a skin care party.  This part of Mary Kay I fell in love with.  I did use Mary Kay when I was in high school, then somehow moved away from it.  I guess as you get closer and closer to the dreaded 30, you realize the importance of taking care of what God gave you.  So, skin care is one of the greatest reasons I started selling Mary Kay.  

I may not wear a lot of make up but I do take care of my skin.  Once I started using my Time Wise set, within probably a week, I noticed a huge difference in my red skin and pore size.  So, even though I was already signed up to be a consultant, this made me more excited to be part of a product that WORKS and makes women happy.  

The company of Mary Kay is wonderful too.  Their philosophy is: God First, Family second, career third.  This is our philosophy too, so I knew it would be a good fit! 
 I have learned so much!! I have had friends and family fall in love with the product and continually order it!  Once you use it,  you fall in LOVE. 

I also can say, within my year of being a consultant, I have done 90% of my sales by word of mouth and social media.  As you know, I do not have a lot of spare time and the time I have, I like to soak up with my family.  I will say too, the few parties I have had, it has been a lot of laughs and a great time for Mom to get out and interact with real women :) It has been a nice side income, there are no catches and it's such an easy business.  Which is exactly what I need.
So, if YOU wear make up, I encourage you to try Mary Kay!  You won't be disappointed, and you'll be supporting a Mom! Can't get better than that. :) Or if you are looking for an additional way to contribute to your family, this can help!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homecare vs. Daycare

This is my Life:  Homecare vs Daycare

I was searching the other day for something that would lay out the pros and cons of both Homecare and daycare and I couldn't find a simple chart!  As a new parents, or perhaps a parent looking to make a change, it's good to weigh your options.   Here are some pros and cons to both which I hope help  make the best decision for your family. :) 

Home Care: (obviously the route I would choose, just sayin') 

1. More Personal                                                      
2. Home away from home                                      
3. Flexible                                                                 
4. Family feel 
5. Safety, no body entering that no one knows 
6. You know who is caring for your child
7. With technology, lots of pic texts now!
8. Usually a Mom caring for children-so you know they are comfy
9. Not having to pay if you want to spend a day with your muffin
10. Cost (usually)
11. Better attention for child 
12. Greater length of out door time/ visit different places
13.  Mixed age group
14. Most home-cares do not close for all holidays
15. You often times know the home you are sending them to, 
      thus knowing their lifestyle
16. For me, I provide the food :) 
17: Closer attention to negative behavior-corrected.
18. Children can rest and lounge if they need too.
19. Greater communication through the day

1. If provider is sick, need alternate care taker
2. sometimes state registration 
3. Provider Vaca

***These are based on my opinion (I've experienced both) as well as what I could locate online. 

Day Care:(facility)

1: location-can usually find one close to home      
     or work
2. Structure is more enforced                                   
3. Usually more than one person around always     
4. Registered with state                                          
5. If one teacher is sick, will have a back up          
6. Same age groups                                                 
7. Set schedules                                                          
8. always will be available.

1. Greater illness amongst children
2. You don't always know who is caring for them
3. Less one on one time
4. More expensive (usually)
5. You don't know everyone who enters facility
6. Lifestyles of caregivers (quality of speech, comfort, etc)
 7. You don't know what children will come in with 
8. You have to pay even if your child isn't there
 9. Many articles mentioned aggressive behavior
10. high turn over of care givers. trust for child.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Night Away

This is my Life: Our Night Away


For Christmas, my Mama in Law got us a night away in Boston :)  the trip included her sleeping at our home with our three little muffins.  All went wonderful!!!  These types of gifts are by far the best.  A shirt, will just become another in my drawer, but this trip with my husband, I'll have these memories forever! So fun! 
One of my favorite things about being alone with Anthony, is that we are still in love with each other.  Sounds cheesy but it's true.  With three kids and the daily stressors of life, we don't get to really be, "us".  You don't know how conversation will flow when you don't have your three little muffins running around or interrupting you.  So, when we get these moments, it's so nice to know there still is an "us" because it can feel so lost sometimes.  These little get aways are sooooo important! 
Our hotel was spectacular.  I kept saying, my Mama in Law knows my taste ;)  We stayed at the Intercontinental Boston.  Right on the Harbor and it was beautiful.  
Some pictures of our room.  Stunning.  And see that robe on the door, I put it right on!!!! with the slippers and all.  Loved it.  The peace for the day was so nice.  

Once we got settled into our room, we wanted to see the hotel.  I saw it said spa and gym and when I hear "spa" I basically just want to live there.  I'm the type of person that could just go sit in the waiting room at a spa and gain so much from it! Most times, almost fall asleep there before I even make it to the treatment room. haha.  So, Anthony rode the bike while watching Friends and I wanted to sit lay in the steam room. 

After the lovely rejuvenating time, we got dressed and went down to the lounge and had a drink with some calamari.  Now let me just say, it was a five start restaurant, so right there, the prices are insane.  When you pay a lot for your food, you expect it to take all senses away. This did not.  But, after we were finished, we stepped over to eat dinner in the restaurant.  The menu had roughly five choices, soup alone, which we could only imagine was probably going to be the size of a shot glass, was $12 for clam chowder and a meal alone, $45 average.  Needless to say, we left.  I like nice things, but I could not justify spending that much money on our dinner when we were running the chance of it not being the best food we've ever had!  Plus, I like a good deal.  I don't like paying full price, when I knew in probably two weeks, something will be cheaper.  :) $45 for a piece of meat, mashed pots and some vegis, I can make that home for $10! 
Needless to say, we ate at Panera! We both LOVE Panera, never get to go, and it is always a guarentee that we will be satisfied.  Which we were. :)  We also got some yummy cocoa to walk around and treats!  Then, because we didn't spend our whole bank account on dinner, we went ice skating.  I laughed probably the whole time !
We both could not remember the last time we went ice skating.  We probably looked like Bambi walking and it was so much fun!  
We got good quality time together with lots of laughs and a new experience for us both.  Our first time ice skating together and it was a blast!!!
The night was gorgeous! Could not have asked for better winter weather to enjoy a night away together. 
Then, the Syracuse game was on !!! Which was intense to say the least. So good!! Now, if we were home, we don't have cable and I would not have been able to watch this game.  Another awesome benefit to being away ;)  Easy to please! By the way, Anthony is posing like this to show his Syracuse shorts! Yes, we are lame goobers! 

We had a wonderful nights rest.  Slept until 8:30, which is huge for us!   Funny side note, I brought our fan because I can't sleep without one and when the valet took our car, so many people commented on it. "You know the rooms have AC" oh "you brought your fan".  Such funny comments, all I could say is "Yes, I'm one of those". haha.  We've had previous nights away and I forgot a fan and I could not sleep and it felt like a waste.  This one, we did our readings and fell sound asleep! :) My MIL would text and the boys were doing wonderful!!! Made resting much easier!  I wouldn't expect anything less from them, but to hear it and hear everything is going wonderful at home, huge!
We had a beautiful morning walk down to the South Street Diner which we both enjoyed our favorite Eggs Benedict.  Now, I can say too, whenever we go out the breakfast, I always get the same thing.  It's by far my favorite meal of the day and Eggs Benedict, I could be a great critic.  This was sooo delicious.  The sun was shining, it was warm and calm in Boston.  Neither one of us got hurt which is also huge!!!! We haven't had the best experiences with nights away, but this one goes down as one of the best. :) 

Came home to our very loving boys who we missed so much and are back too it :)