Sunday, July 19, 2015

Our First Camping Adventure

This is my Life: First Camping Adventure with our Four Babes

I was one of those anti camping people.  And you read "was", I still kind of am, but totally get it.  I didn't understand why anyone would want to pack up their house and go sleep in the woods.  Really rough it. I like a shower, toilet, electricity (for my fan), no bugs, comfy bed, etc.  But, after our little adventure, I do understand about 79% why!  As I'm checking in there are instructions on what to do if you encounter a black bear because they are sited often.  Awesome!  First one is to move slowly and talk in a calm soft voice.  Because I'm sure that would be the average persons first reaction to a bear joining in on their fun.  bahah, nope!
This was our itinerary for the weekend.  Of course we chose Super Hero Weekend!!  When we chose a campground, we wanted something really interactive. With three a.c.t.i.v.e boys, we needed something fun and entertaining.  Entertainment without technology.  Was so fun!  This campground had it all.  It had a Cafe on site, which was nice in case we forgot something or just wanted to pop down for lunch or a random snack (ice cream).  Had an arcade, awesome pool!.   The Candy Bar Bingo was awesome.  Jamison won first place one game and Connor won second place another out of probably 150 people .  They went up on was adorable.  Jamison was nervous to yell Bingo!  They made tie dye shirts, which was the perfect keep sake!  Was truly just wonderful family time spent and much needed!  We had no cell service, no technology and it was back to true family basics. Loved it! 

Connor on stage collecting his candy bar prize!

We put up our tent which wasn't too bad. Got an easy pop up no assembly one because we always encounter issues with new things. haha.  We bought an 8 person tent because we figured, our children are only going to get bigger and will be the size of men before we know it.  So, we will need the room and it's a good thing we did.   We got the boys their own air mattresses and we have our air mattress.  I did have to order myself a sleeping bag which literally was like wrapping in a parachute!  And of course a battery operated fan!  We did have electric at our site, but couldn't have a cord running out of our tent.  Boys loved doing smores of course! A fun camping favorite by all I'm sure!

We enjoyed some fun pool time our first day there because we heard Saturday was going to be rainy.  It was sunny, so we hopped right in our suits to make the most of the pool.  The bummer about this trip was, Nathan had just gotten over a virus and Jamison progressively got worse as the day went on.  I did pack our Tylenol because you just never know.  So, once that kicked in, he was a little better, but he wasn't our normal fishy Jamison so it was sad to not see him have a blast like we know he could have!  Connor and Nathan loved the pool.  Even on Rainy Saturday, Connor and Jamison went back in and oddly were not the only children in there! 

Could you please take some pictures with me in them too so it's like I am here? Thanks!
Now the sleep you are probably wondering about!  As we know with most things, our first time doing anything with our children is always the most challenging.  But, we believe the more you expose your children too and experience with them, the better behaved they are.  For instance, grocery shopping or eating out for dinner.   Yes, I crazily grocery shop with my four children, but I do it so often, that they know my expectations to get us in and out as quickly as possible.  That's not saying they are complete angels every time and we don't have moments of bad behavior, they are children 7 and under!  Comes with the territory.  But, they are great non the less.  So, they were rambunctious (could be construed as excitement???)  as we were getting ready for bed.  (Our site was right next to the bathrooms, which was perfect.  Very nice bathrooms and showers.) 
They were bouncing from bed to bed and chatty mcgees as we were trying to pray and hit the hay.  Anthony passed right out.  I told him I'm actually jealous of how quickly he can fall asleep.  The boys finally did fall asleep as did Violet.  Around probably 11, it started to down pour...this oddly was my FAVORITE part.  The noise was wonderful and it was so peaceful.  Anthony said you can't  have peace with noise, but I kindly disagree :)  I didn't sleep that well, but when have I lately?  The extra rain noise was nice to drown out when Violet would wake up. Everyone slept until 730, the only one who woke up was Jamison at 330 telling me he saw a bear outside waving to him. hahaha.  He cracks me up.   
Since everything was wet outside when we woke up, we went into town to have breakfast at a diner.  At breakfast we decided we should probably head home and not stay the extra night.  Jamison wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home and being a cold rainy day,  would probably get a little too chilly for Violet at night.  
It was a packed (no pun intended ahaha) two days, but great memories and we are going to go back every year.  The children ride their bikes all around, there's fishing, basketball, a nice park, horse shoes, a natural pool, and much more!  All the families we talked to were so sweet!
So, I can officially say that I like Camping.  Being a Mom of three boys, outdoor activities I think come with the territory and although I'm naturally energetic and like the outdoors, camping was not my fort-ay.  When you see your children purely enjoying their lives, simply by sleeping outside and cooking some smores over a fire, there's no other place I'd ever want to be.  
As we were driving home, Anthony said, it's not a vacation with children.  It's not.  As parents, relaxing doesn't really come with vacationing.  If anything, it's the complete opposite because you are in a new environment and lack of boundaries is everywhere. Can only get better from here right?? BUT, I'm so grateful for my favorite guy.  I love sharing new adventures with him.  Not only are they new adventures for our whole family, but for Anthony and I.  I love doing life with him and seeing how we handle new adventures ourselves! 

To next year!